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Lewis County West Virginia.

Lewis County Courthouse

110 Center Avenue

Weston, WV 26452


Phone:  304-269-8222

Fax:  304-269-8698

Property Tax with a home in the background.

Estimated Property Taxes

  • Personal Property Taxes are all motor vehicles, mobile homes not listed on real estate, office equipment and inventory.

  • Personal Property Taxes are available online by clicking the following link: TAX INQUIRY

  • If you did not receive a personal property tax statement, you may not have been assessed. You may contact us at (304)269-8222 to see if you should have received a tax statement. You may be directed to the Assessor’s Office to file an assessment so a tax statement can be generated.

  • Your current year tax statement is based on what you owned and where you lived on July 1st of the previous year. If you owned a vehicle on July 1st, you will be responsible for the next full year of taxes on that vehicle.

  • If you moved out of state, but had vehicles titled in West Virginia on July 1st of the previous year, then you are liable for the full year of taxes. 

  • If there is a vehicle listed on your taxes that you did not own on July 1st of the previous year, you will need to contact the Assessor’s Office at (304)269-8205 in order to have your assessment reviewed. 

  • A Supplemental Tax is a personal property tax that was assessed after the tax books were finished. It is collected the same as any other personal property tax.

  • Personal Property Taxes are mailed out on July 15th, and if not paid by April 30th of the following year, will be published delinquent, with publication fees and interest added.

  • You cannot renew your vehicle registration if you have any delinquent personal property taxes.

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