Lewis County Prosecuting Attorney
Christina C. Flanigan
Every four years, Lewis County elects a full time Prosecuting Attorney. The current salary determined by code is $116,301. The Prosecuting Attorney is the chief legal officer of the county for both civil and criminal matters. The Prosecuting Attorney also is available during all elections and to advise elected officials or answer questions from the public. Lewis County presently has one full time Prosecuting Attorney and two part time Prosecuting Attorneys. Their job includes but is not limited to:
Other duties and responsibilities include:
Prosecution of all crimes, both misdemeanor and felony
Request warrant for persons charged with felonies
Try cases before the magistrates and circuit judge
Present information to the Grand Jury for indictment of persons with criminal activity
Represent the Department of Health and Human Resources in child neglect and abuse cases
Represent the State in juvenile delinquency cases
Represent all elected county officials and county agencies
Prepare contracts and other documents for the county
File civil suits for county agencies and defend county agencies against civil actions
Serve as special prosecutor for other counties through appointment by the Prosecuting Attorney’s Institute
Additional Resources:
WV Attorney General